Friday, November 7, 2014

Stratasys Extreme Redesign Marketing Kit

One of my former students, Brayden, entered the 2014 Stratasys Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge. His entry was a top ten finalist. While he didn't end up winning the contest, I did just receive some great news. The FANTASTAKICK is being used in a national advertising campaign for this year's contest. If you didn't catch my blog post about his project you can read about it here. 

Our vendor is visiting me in a week or so and plans to bring a few marketing kits with him. Here is a picture he sent me: 

Can you see the mini FANTASTAKICK?

Brayden is currently studying Aerospace Engineering at the Air Force Academy. I'm sure he will be excited to hear about this and I look forward to sharing this news with him. 

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